

Pugno M (2022) Well-being and Growth in Advanced Economies: The Need to Prioritise Human Development, London, Routledge

Pugno M (2016) On The Foundations of Happiness in Economics: Reinterpreting Tibor Scitovsky, London, Routledge (paperback edition in 2018).

Pugno M (1992) Roy F.Harrod. Dall’equilibrio dinamico alla instabilità ciclica, Il Mulino, Bologna.

Articles in refereed journals

M. Pugno (2024). Creativity, well-being and economic development: an evolutionary approach. Journal of Evolutionary Economics , 34(1): 205-225

M. Pugno (2024). Social media effects on well-being: the hypothesis of addiction of a new variety. Kyklos , 77(3): 690–704.

Pugno M (with F. Sarracino) (2021) Structural changes in economic growth and well-being. The case of Italy’s parabola. Social Indicators Research, 158: 801-838 (dowloadable paper)

Pugno M. (2019). Happiness, human development, and economic (de)growth, Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi 80:151-172.

M. Pugno (2017) Scitovsky meets Sen: endogenising the dynamics of capability. Cambridge Journal of Economics . 41(4): 1177-96.

Pugno M (with G. Lisi) (2015) The underground economy in a matching model of endogenous growth, International Journal of Economic Theory, 11(4): 347-369 (downloadable paper).

Pugno M. (2015). Trust, family, and education. International Journal of Happiness and Development, 2(3): 216-230 (downloadable paper).

Pugno M. (2015). Capability and happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 16(6): 1383-1399.

Pugno M. (2014). Scitovsky, behavioural economics, and beyond. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 8 (2014-24).

Pugno M. (2014) Scitovsky’s The Joyless Economy and the economics of happiness, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 21(1): 278-303.

Pugno M. (2013) Scitovsky and the income-happiness paradox, Journal of Socio-Economics, 43: 1-10 (downloadable paper).

Pugno M. (with Bartolini S. and Bilancini E.) (2013) Did the decline in social connections depress Americans’ happiness?, Social Indicators Research, 110(3): 1033-1059 (downloadable paper).

Pugno M. (2012) Scitovsky’s theory of well-being, History of Economic Thought and Policy, no. 2, 35-56.

Pugno M. (with G. Lisi) (2011) Tax morale, entrepreneurship, and the irregular economy, AUCO Czech Economic Review, 5(2): 116-131.

Pugno M. (with G. Lisi) (2010) Entrepreurship and the hidden economy: an extended matching model, International Economic Journal, 24(4): 585-602 (downloadable paper).

Pugno M. (with S. Depedri) (2010) Job performance and job satisfaction: an integrated survey, Economia Politica-Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 26(1):175-210 (downloadable paper).

Pugno M. (2009) The Easterlin paradox and the decline of social capital: an integrated explanation, Journal of Socio-Economics, 38(4): 590-600 (downloadable paper).

Pugno M. (2009) Social capital is ‘good’ if personal relations are good. Paper presented at the International Conference “Happiness and Relational Goods”, Venice 11-13 June 2009.

Pugno M. (with M. Malgarini and G. Zezza) (2008) Life satisfaction in Italy: evidence from the ISAE Consumers Survey, Rivista di Politica Economica, 9-10: 1-32 (downloadable paper).

Pugno M. (2008) Economics and the self. A formalisation of Self-Determination Theory, Journal of Socio-Economics, 37: 1328-1346.

Pugno M. (2006) The service paradox and endogenous economic growth, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 17: 99-115 (downloadable paper).

Pugno M. (with M. Cimoli and A. Primi) (2006) A low-growth model: informality as a structural constraint, Cepal Review, 88: 85-102.

Pugno M. (with M.R. Carillo) (2004) The underground economy and undervelopment, Economic Systems, 28(3): 257-279 (downloadable paper).

Pugno M. (2000) Rent Seeking e questione meridionale, Politica Economica, no.3, 387-419.

Pugno M. (2000) Economia sommersa e disoccupazione: un modello per l’analisi e le politiche di intervento, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, no.2, 269-290.

Pugno M. (1998) The Stability of Thirlwall’s model of Economic Growth and the Balance-of-Payments Constraint, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 20(4): 559-581.

Pugno M. (1998) Crescita economica e disoccupazione: alcuni recenti sviluppi teorici, Economia Politica, 15(1): 119-165.

Pugno M. (1996) A Kaldorian Model of Economic Growth with Labour Shortage and Major Technical Changes, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 7(4): 429-449.

Pugno M. (1996) Structural Stability in a Cross-country Neoclassical Growth Model, in Applied Economics, 28: 1555-1566.

Pugno M. (1995) On Competing Theories of Economic Growth: Cross-country Evidence, International Review of Applied Economics, 9(3): 249-274.

Pugno M. (1987) Crescita economica e stabilità strutturale. A proposito di un recente modello della `Ecole de la Régulation’, Note Economiche, no.3, 88-101.

Pugno M. (1986) Kaldor vs. Schumpeter on economic growth and structural change, Quaderni di Storia dell’Economia Politica, nos.1-2, 45-70.

Pugno M. (1986) `L’ottima distribuzione del reddito’ di Sylos Labini: una nota, Economia Politica, no.2, 259-275.

Pugno M. (with E. Santarelli) (1986) La controversia technology push/demand pull. Una riconsiderazione, in Economia e Politica Industriale, n.50, 205-225 [republished in G.Lunghini and S.Vaccà (eds.) (1987) Cambiamento tecnologico e teorie dell’impresa, F.Angeli, Milano, pp. 217-237].

Pugno M. (1985) Are long waves relevant in economic life? A note, Economic Notes, no.2, 68-77.

Pugno M. (1985) Spesa militare e crescita economica: ostacolo o sostegno? Note preliminari sul dibattito e sul caso degli Stati Uniti, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, no.2, 244-275.

Pugno M. (1982) Il `sovrappiù’ di Baran e Sweezy: una riformulazione critica ed un confronto con il `plusvalore’ di Marx, Note Economiche, no.2, 138-164.

Pugno M. (1982) L’impatto della domanda pubblica sul sistema produttivo in Italia: evoluzione ed effetti intersettoriali, Rivista di Diritto Finanziario e Scienza delle Finanze, no.2, 307-356.

Book chapters

Pugno M. (2021), “The economics of eudaimonia”, in L. Bruni, A. Smerilli and D. De Rosa (eds) A Modern Guide to the Economics of Happiness, Elgar, London, pp.46-66 (underlying working paper in MPRA).

Pugno M. (2019), “Why the Easterlin paradox? The Scitovsky hypothesis”, in M. Rojas (ed.) The Economics of Happiness: How the Easterlin Paradox Transformed our Understanding of Wellbeing and Progress, Cham (Switzerland): Springer International Publishing. Chapter 7, pp. 157-170.

Pugno M. (2016) “Why policies for children, early education and culture?”, in S. Bartolini, E. Bilancini, L. Bruni, P.L. Porta (eds.) Policies for Happiness, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 215-238.

Pugno M. (2012) “L’economia della felicità”, in P. Della Posta (ed.) Crisi economica e crisi delle teorie economiche, Liguori, Napoli, pp. 133-161.

Pugno M. (2011) “Economy, people’s personal motivation and well-being”, in Chirkov, V. I., Ryan, R. M., and Sheldon, K. M. (eds) Human autonomy in cultural contexts: Perspectives on the psychology of agency, freedom, and well-being. Springer, Heidelberg, pp.207-239.

Pugno M. (2008) “Capabilities, the self, and well-being”, in L. Bruni, F. Comim and M. Pugno, Capabilities and Happiness, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, pagg. 224-253 (downloadable working paper).

Pugno M. (2007) “The subjective well-being paradox: a suggested solution based on relational goods”, in L. Bruni e P.L. Porta (eds.) Handbook on the Economics of Happiness, Elgar, London, pp. 263-289.

Pugno M. (2004) “Più ricchi di beni, più poveri di rapporti interpersonali”, in L. Bruni and P.L. Porta (eds.) Felicità ed Economia, Guerini, Milano, pp. 192-216.

Pugno M. (with R. Paci and F. Pigliaru) (2003) “Disparities in economic growth and unemployment among the European regions: a sectoral perspective”, in B. Fingleton, A. Eraydin e R. Paci (eds.) Regional Economic Growth, SMEs and the Wider Europe, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 75-102 (downloadable working paper).

Pugno M. (with J.S.L.McCombie and B.Soro) (2002) “Introduction” of Productivity Growth and Economic Performance: Essays on Verdoorn’s Law, MacMillan, Londra, pp.1-27.

Pugno M. (2002) “Verdoorn’s law and the analysis of steady state growth: from an unsatisfactory marriage to a new perspective”, in J.S.L.McCombie, M.Pugno and B.Soro (eds.) Productivity Growth and Economic Performance: Essays on Verdoorn’s Law, MacMillan, Londra, pp. 239-258.

Pugno M. (2002) Under-tertiarisation and unemployment, in R. Balducci and S. Staffolani (eds.) Income distribution, Growth and Employment, Esi, Napoli, pp.223-244 (downloadable working paper).

Pugno M. (2001) Economia sommersa, disoccupazione e crescita, in R.M. Carillo and A. Zazzaro (eds.) Istituzioni, capitale umano e sviluppo del Mezzogiorno, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, pp.114-136).

Pugno M. (1998) “In search of Harrod’s contribution to economic dynamics. A note”, in A.P.Thirlwall, G.Rampa and L.Stella (eds.) Economic Dynamics, Trade, and Growth. Essays on Harrodian Themes, MacMillan, London, pp.89-106.

Pugno M. (1998) “Harrod’s economic dynamics as a persistent and régime-changing adjustment process”, in A.P.Thirlwall, G.Rampa and L.Stella (eds.) Economic Dynamics, Trade, and Growth. Essays on Harrodian Themes, MacMillan, London, pp.152-178.

Pugno M. (1998) “Crescita, ciclo e vincolo esterno”, in N. De Vecchi and M.C.Marcuzzo (eds.) A cinquant’anni da Keynes. Teorie dell’occupazione, interesse e crescita, Unicopli, Milano, pp.273-295.

Pugno M. (1995) “La Nuova teoria della crescita e la endogenità del progresso tecnico”, in Commercio internazionale e crescita economica, a cura di M.Pugno e M.L. Segnana, Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma, pp. 21-91.

Pugno M. (1989) “Labour’s share, growth and structural change. The case of the U.S. industrialisation”, in M. Di Matteo, R.M. Goodwin e A.Vercelli (eds.), Technological and Social Factors in Long Term Fluctuations, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp.242-268.

Pugno M. (1988) “L’industrializzazione degli Stati Uniti fino al ’29: una applicazione del Linkage Approach”, in L. Marcolungo, M. Pugno and F. Targetti (eds.), L’economia mondiale in trasformazione. Contributi per una comparazione tra sistemi economici, AISSEC, F.Angeli, Milano, pp.320-335.

Edited books

Pugno M. (with L. Bruni and F. Comim) (2008) Capabilities and Happiness, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Pugno M. (with J.S.L. McCombie and B. Soro) (2002) Productivity Growth and Economic Performance: Essays on Verdoorn’s Law, MacMillan, London.

Pugno M. (with M.L. Segnana) (1995) Commercio internazionale e crescita economica, Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma.

Pugno M. (with L. Marcolungo and F. Targetti) (1988) L’economia mondiale in trasformazione. Contributi per una comparazione tra sistemi economici, AISSEC, F.Angeli, Milano.

Other articles

Pugno M. (2007) Ricchezza e ben-essere: l’importanza delle relazioni sociali e personali, Studi e Note di Economia, 12(1):23-58.

Pugno M. (1997) “Income Distribution and the Business Cycle” in D. Glasner (ed.), Business Cycles and Depressions. An Encyclopedia, , Garland Publishing, New York, pp.319-321.

Pugno M. (1996) Sud Corea e Taiwan: due modelli di sviluppo economico e di intervento dello stato, in Diritto ed Economia, no.1, pp.219-244.

Pugno M. (1991) “Catching up in the (Old and New) Theories of Economic Growth”, in Annali Scientifici a cura del Dipartimento di Economia di Trento, no.4, pp. 71-99.

Pugno M. (1990) Teorie del ciclo economico: appunti dalle lezioni di R.M.Goodwin, Corso di Politica Economica e Finanziaria, Anno Accademico 1989/90, Università degli Studi di Trento, pp.30.

Pugno M. (1988) “Instabilità di Harrod e tasso d’utilizzo”,  Annali Scientifici, Dipartimento di Economia di Trento, no.1, pp.113-144.

Working papers (not published elsewhere)

Pugno, M (2020) Enjoying life takes time and needs people, but economic progress runs and offers things. MPRA paper, n. 104378, 20 November 2020, pp. 18.

Pugno M (with Sarracino F) (2019) Structural changes in economic growth and well-being. The case of Italy’s parabola. MPRA paper, n. 94150, 22 May 2019, pp. 50.

Pugno M. (2016) Beyond the distinction between necessaries and luxuries, MPRA paper, n.73729, 17 Sept., pp. 22

Pugno M. (with P. Verme) (2011) Life satisfaction, social capital and the bonding-bridging nexus, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper n.5945, and Working Paper n.8, Department of Economic Sciences and CreaM, University of Cassino.

Pugno M. (with M. Malgarini e G. Zezza) (2009)Life satisfaction in a survey of Italian householdsWorking Paper n.6, Department of Economic Sciences and CreaM, University of Cassino.

Pugno M. 2004) “Rationality and affective motivation: new ideas from neurobiology and psychiatry for economic theory?, Discussion Paper, n.1, Department of Economics of Trento, pp. 49. [Razionalità e motivazioni affettive: nuove idee dalla neurobiologia e psichiatria per la teoria economica?, Discussion Paper, n.1, Dipartimento di Economia di Trento, 2004, pp. 51]

Pugno M. (2001) “Unbalanced growth and women’s homework”, Discussion Paper, n.7, Department of Economics of Trento, pp.21 (published also in SSRN Electronic Library).


Recent book reviews

Pugno M. (2005) Economics and Social Interaction: Accounting for Interpersonal Relations. By Benedetto Gui and Robert Sugden (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, in Review of Social Economy, 15(3):369-371.

Pugno M. (2006) Felicità: la nuova scienza del benessere comune, by Layard R., Milano, Rizzoli, in Economia politica. Journal of analytical and institutional economics, Aug., 298-301.